Righto, jet-setters and puff bar enthusiasts – buckle up, and ensure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. It’s time for a pre-flight announcement like no other!
So, you’re clutching that vape pen and looking at your ticket with a hint of trepidation. It’s time to address the burning question (no pun intended, promise) that’s been churning in your gut:
Can you bring your vape devices on a plane, or are you destined to leave your beloved electronic companion behind?

Now, between you, me, and the internet, I’ve been in this exact situation more times than I’d like to admit. Traveling with a vape tucked into the labyrinth of my carry-on luggage has become something of a habit.
Yes, dear reader, I’ve become quite the “vape voyager,” if you will.
So, who better than a seasoned vaping globe-trotter to unravel this mystery with you? Consider this your comprehensive guide, your vape-tastic dossier to navigate the sometimes foggy world of taking vape devices onboard.
Prepare for a cloud of knowledge to descend. Let’s get into it!
Can I bring my vape on the plane?
Remember the good old days when we used to chat to our neighbor in the terminal building over a puff bar without the worry of rules and regulations?
Alas, recent years have seen changes in laws, especially around electronic devices and vaping devices.
“Can I take my disposable vape, vape pen, or vape mods on the plane?” you ask. The good news is, yes, you generally can, but with some caveats.

Most airlines, from British Airways to your local budget carrier, allow passengers to bring vape devices in their carry-on baggage. However, hold on to your power banks, there are specific rules to follow.
According to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), electronic cigarettes and similar devices, like vape pens, can only be carried in the aircraft cabin in your hand luggage or on your person. Think of it as a beloved pet, except it doesn’t bark or poop.
Why only in carry-on luggage or hand luggage, you ask? Well, it all comes down to lithium batteries, or more precisely, lithium-ion batteries. These power your vape devices and are a potential fire risk. In the unlikely event they do ignite, it’s much easier to deal with in the cabin than in the cargo hold.
What happens if you put a vape in a carry-on?
Now, before you rush off to cram your carry-on with vape devices, spare batteries, and every flavor of vape juice under the sun, let’s talk about what happens when you stuff your vape into your carry-on luggage.

First thing first, getting through airport security. You see, the TSA officers have been trained to spot a vape in a carry-on from a mile away (okay, maybe not a mile, but they’re pretty darn good). If you’ve got a vape pen in your bag, they’re likely to spot it on the X-ray machine.
Now, what’s next? Well, don’t panic! The TSA agent will probably ask you to take it out for further inspection. And no, they’re not interested in your favorite vape juice flavor or how sleek your new vape device looks. They’re just doing their job to keep everyone safe.
It’s a good idea to pack your vape device, be it a disposable vape pen or a more complex vape mod, so that it’s easily accessible. You don’t want to be that person at security, rummaging around their bag causing a line longer than the Great Wall of China.
And what about those spare batteries and e-liquids? Remember, vape batteries, especially lithium-ion batteries, are considered a fire risk. Therefore, they should be stored in a clear plastic bag in your carry-on luggage.
As for the vape juice, there’s an additional hurdle: the liquid rule. All liquid items in your hand luggage must be in containers of no more than 100 ml, and they must all fit in a single, transparent, resealable plastic bag of up to 1 liter in capacity.
So, if you’re thinking of bringing your prized collection of 30 different vape juice flavors, you might want to think again.
As for the inspection process, it’s pretty straightforward. The TSA agent will visually inspect the vape device to ensure there’s no signs of tampering or threat. If your device passes the inspection (which it likely will unless it’s doubling as a James Bond gadget), you’ll be able to repack it in your carry-on luggage and be on your merry way to your flight.
It’s all part of the process of ensuring we can all have a safe and pleasant journey up in the air.
In conclusion, if you’re traveling with a vape in your carry-on, a little bit of preparation can go a long way. Be ready for the TSA inspection, follow the liquid and lithium battery rules, and you’ll be blowing vape clouds (in designated smoking areas only, of course) in no time.
What happens if you put a vape in checked luggage?
So, what happens if you decide to sneak your disposable vape kit or e-cigarettes into your checked luggage? Well, here’s where things can get a bit dicey. A kind of roll-of-the-dice you’re not going to want to play.
TSA rules and federal laws are clear and stark about this. They state that electronic smoking devices, including those lovable disposable vapes, must not be in your checked luggage.
And they’re pretty adamant about it, like a stubborn mule with a hat on.
But why is this the case? I hear you ask. Well, the primary concern here is again those lithium or lithium-ion batteries that power your vape. These batteries, if damaged, can heat up and potentially catch fire – a situation known as “thermal runaway”.
Not as fun as it sounds, believe me. This fire risk is significantly more challenging to manage in the checked baggage area or the aircraft’s cargo hold.
Now, let’s imagine, for the sake of argument, that you’ve decided to roll the dice anyway and packed your e-liquids, vape cartridges, or vape batteries in your checked luggage. What then?
Well, hold onto your seat because it’s going to be a bumpy ride! The journey of your vape might start at the checked-in luggage, but it could end up going on a solo adventure in the terminal building while you’re on your way to the Dominican Republic.
If the TSA officers spot an e-cigarette or similar device in the X-ray scan of your checked luggage, they have the right to remove it. Worse still, the discovery could delay your luggage, or you might even face additional penalties.
Therefore, to save yourself from a mini-heart attack when you see your suitcase didn’t make it onto the conveyor belt at your destination, it’s better to keep those vape devices in your carry-on luggage where they belong. Follow the rules, and you’ll be sipping a soda on your next flight without the worry of your vape having an adventure of its own.
How many vapes can you take on an airplane?
Now we’ve tackled the ‘where’ let’s look at the ‘how many’. After all, variety is the spice of life, and who wants to be stuck with just one flavor of vape juice on a long-haul flight?

Well, here’s the good thing – TSA regulations do not specify a limit to the number of devices you can carry. But before you pack a suitcase full of disposable vape pens, let’s remember that your carry-on still has to close. Plus, having 50 vapes might raise an eyebrow or two at the security check.
So, whether you’re a fan of nicotine pouches or you’re trying out nicotine gum as part of nicotine replacement therapy, always check the rules of your departure airport and destination country, as they may have different regulations.
So there we have it, folks. Yes, you can take your vape on a plane, but remember to pack it in your carry-on. Just remember to stay respectful of local laws and the comfort of your fellow passengers, and we’ll all get along just fine.
Safe travels, vape aficionados!
Hi, I’m Tiana – founder of and author here at Where Tiana Travels. I’m a 20-something with a love for all things travel, photography, and food. I have been living abroad for the past 5 years and solo traveling the globe in my free time. I created this blog to share my travel stories and inspire other women to go out and see the world. Read more about me here!